Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Yet Another Disaster The Governments Are In "Hiding"

Yet again more disasters and yet the governments are strangely quiet ,maybe when 2012 is finally proven to be true and we are looking at the worst NATURAL disaster the world has ever seen we might get a text from the governments saying "sorry we have been lying to you and it is the end for you lot but dont worry because we are nice and safe in our underground tunnels you lot get on with it " noone seems to believe this will happen but its true we pay them they take it get lovely golden handshakes retirement pensions and then join the same company at equivelent roles or the same. Read on...... Two earthquakes struck southeast Spain in quick succession yesterday, killing at least eight people, injuring dozens and causing major damage to buildings, officials said.

The highest quake-related death toll in Spain in more than 50 years occurred when the quakes - with magnitudes of 4.4 and 5.2 - struck close to the town of Lorca, with the second about two hours after the first.

Reports suggested that those who died were struck by falling debris in the streets after fleeing their houses, which they feared might collapse.

Dozens of injured people were being treated at the scene and a field hospital was set up in the town of about 85,000 people, officials said. Some are in a critical condition.

This was the deadliest quake in Spain since 1956, when 12 people died and some 70 were injured in a tremor in the southern Granada region, according to the U.S. National Geographic Institute.

It says Spain has about 2,500 quakes a year, but only a handful are actually noticed by people. Spain's south and southeast are the most earthquake-prone regions.

The U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Centre in Golden, Colorado, had slightly different magnitudes for the quakes.John Bellini, a seismologist with the USGS center, said the larger earthquake had a preliminary 5.3 magnitude and struck 220 miles south-southeast of Madrid at 6:47 p.m local time.

The quake was about six miles deep, and was preceded by the smaller one with a 4.5 magnitude ,if people dont think this will happen to them they are sadley mistaken even in the UK we get earthquakes and looking at it they are getting worse we are building up to something big and last night when i was going to post about this my laptop would't /couldn't log into the internet this is all typical behaviour from the COMET that is due also this was predicted in 1915

The panic started after seismologist Raffaele Bendandi predicted in 1915 that a huge earthquake would strike Rome on May 11, 2011. Thanks to the internet, word quickly spread.

Officials at the National Vulcanolgy and Seismology Institute, which is based in Rome, held an open day to try and convince people that earthquakes could not be predicted the "experts" were wrong yet again if it was said in 1915 to almost the day this would happen then what else is being decided on a whim.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Yet Another Disaster The Governments Are In "Hiding"

Yet again more disasters and yet the governments are strangely quiet ,maybe when 2012 is finally proven to be true and we are looking at the worst NATURAL disaster the world has ever seen we might get a text from the governments saying "sorry we have been lying to you and it is the end for you lot but dont worry because we are nice and safe in our underground tunnels you lot get on with it " noone seems to believe this will happen but its true we pay them they take it get lovely golden handshakes retirement pensions and then join the same company at equivelent roles or the same. Read on...... Two earthquakes struck southeast Spain in quick succession yesterday, killing at least eight people, injuring dozens and causing major damage to buildings, officials said.
The highest quake-related death toll in Spain in more than 50 years occurred when the quakes - with magnitudes of 4.4 and 5.2 - struck close to the town of Lorca, with the second about two hours after the first.
Reports suggested that those who died were struck by falling debris in the streets after fleeing their houses, which they feared might collapse.

Dozens of injured people were being treated at the scene and a field hospital was set up in the town of about 85,000 people, officials said. Some are in a critical condition.
This was the deadliest quake in Spain since 1956, when 12 people died and some 70 were injured in a tremor in the southern Granada region, according to the U.S. National Geographic Institute.
It says Spain has about 2,500 quakes a year, but only a handful are actually noticed by people. Spain's south and southeast are the most earthquake-prone regions.
The U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Centre in Golden, Colorado, had slightly different magnitudes for the quakes.John Bellini, a seismologist with the USGS center, said the larger earthquake had a preliminary 5.3 magnitude and struck 220 miles south-southeast of Madrid at 6:47 p.m local time.
The quake was about six miles deep, and was preceded by the smaller one with a 4.5 magnitude ,if people dont think this will happen to them they are sadley mistaken even in the UK we get earthquakes and looking at it they are getting worse we are building up to something big and last night when i was going to post about this my laptop would't /couldn't log into the internet this is all typical behaviour from the COMET that is due also this was predicted in 1915
The panic started after seismologist Raffaele Bendandi predicted in 1915 that a huge earthquake would strike Rome on May 11, 2011. Thanks to the internet, word quickly spread.
Officials at the National Vulcanolgy and Seismology Institute, which is based in Rome, held an open day to try and convince people that earthquakes could not be predicted the "experts" were wrong yet again if it was said in 1915 to almost the day this would happen then what else is being decided on a whim.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Texts From Obama the sky is falling

Yet again we are in the midst of a deniers ball having found out quite recently that Obama our glorious master is having a "shelter" built under the Whitehouse and in small print it actually mentions for disaster .
And still they deny there is any "rocks" from above or other impending disasters ,and now we find out we have the honour of a text from Obama to state the obvious the sky IS falling but still there is a way out of admitting it ,the boffins that be have decided on the wording terrorist attack and maybe natural disaster.
That's all we need when there is a massive New York size Asteroid due to pass by the earth pretty soon is a text from Obama all nice and safe in his hidey hole saying duck.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is Affecting Earth

This is going to be the most extraordinary communication so fasten your seatbelts; we are in for a rough ride. I have known in my heart for months that I would have to make a communication like this but had no idea it would be this soon. Back in January, while investigating the underground city that is alleged to have been built under the new Denver Airport, reported on by the former governor Jesse Ventura, I put the puzzle together and came to the conclusion that a planetary event was in store for us in 2012.

Today I am presenting rock solid information; it does not get any better when NASA is your source. What you are about to read and see is happening. Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin, I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of 2011. What we do not know is the size and mass of comet Elenin though I have no doubt that it is known by the authorities.

Elenin is presently being tracked as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into the inner solar system. I am truly sorry to have to be the bearer of such grave and threatening news but the source, NASA, is impeccable. We have an incoming mass (what might possibly be a neutron star) coming in and it will do a hard turn around the sun like any comet would, crossing and coming in between Mercury and Venus before starting its journey back out. On its way out it will cross our bow, meaning it will pass very close to the earth and the earth will pass behind it, plowing into its tail.

In the video below you will see this explained graphically. What you will see with mathematical precision is that every time this celestial body comes into alignment with the earth and sun we have a huge earthquake. The last three alignments produced the Japanese 9.0 quake, the one in New Zealand and before that the one in Chile. On March 11th Elenin was much farther out. When the next alignment happens it will be devastatingly close. The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the earth swings around into alignment.
David Morrison, Astrobiology Senior Scientist at NASA, in an official communication on March 1st acknowledged no threat from Elenin. Ten days later Elenin came into alignment with the earth and the sun . . . and Japan was almost destroyed.

Morrison confirmed that Elenin’s perihelion (closest to the sun) is in early September 2011 at a distance from the sun of 40-45 million miles. He said it will be closest to the earth on about October 16, at a distance of about 21 million miles, but he believes there is no reason to think Elenin is any different from a normal comet. I wonder if he changed his mind after March 11th. He dismisses everything alarming as pure fiction.

This is the real deal though—that alignment did happen as we can clearly see from the NASA simulation. Now we have to live with increasing radiation spreading around the northern hemisphere. We know how easy it is for people in authority to cover up information and lie with a straight face. The Japanese government admitted it kept in secret at least 5000 radiation measurements and assessments after the nuclear event that struck the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in March. This was done in order to not induce panic in the population, a representative of the staff dealing with the nuclear emergency told ITAR-TASS.

We have to acknowledge and accept that there is a danger and a possibility that part of our civilization and the people in it will be lost. This is not a time to deny anything or a time to hold back the tears. I hope to God I am wrong but the evidence cannot be dismissed casually, though of course it will be. One picture is worth a thousand words and NASA has given us visible proof to suggest Elenin is playing a role in events down here on our planet even from a long distance. It is not a time for fear; rather it is a time for love and cooperation in the context of preparation on all levels for what is to come.

There is a history to Elenin that has been visible for years but now she is upon us and there is nothing we can do but prepare and pray—and love like we have never loved before. We have to acknowledge and accept that there is a danger and there is a possibility that part of our civilization and the people in it will be lost. The below video displays what has been known by NASA for decades. The whole solar system seems to be heating up, the sun is becoming active and earth-changing events are becoming more frequent and intense with beyond-worst-case-scenario climate changes hitting around the globe. We have increasing geo-activity, volcanoes, earthquakes, rogue tides, sinking islands, magnetic pole migration, mass animal deaths, huge unexplained whirlpools in the Atlantic and so much more it would make anyone’s head spin.

We were tipped off to something unusual happening when Greenland experienced sunrise two days early, which was a strong sign that something was off with Earth’s orbit. On January 25th I said:

There is a lot of information (except in the mainstream press) about 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar that many are obsessing over but there is more than enough in 2011 to worry about and act on. Last week I was knocked off my chair with the report from the Arctic Circle in Greenland that the sun came back over the horizon two days early. That’s no small occurrence, is not something easy to make up, is not being reported as expected in the mainstream press, and only wild and stupid theories like global warming (since we really have rapid cooling) are being blamed for the event. August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles from the sun. Then 24 days pass to when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus in line for another gravitational alignment.
October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus’ orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crosses the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on the way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth once again passes directly between the two like on March 15.

An approaching brown dwarf star answers a lot of questions about what is happening all around us that others simply cannot begin to answer. No one really knows what will happen in the fall of this year as this incoming celestial body gets between us and the sun and then rebounds out again and heading directly into earth’s neighborhood. One person has speculated that it could rip our moon loose. It could hit us if its flight plan is changed by hitting an asteroid in the next few days. That could be possible if it really were a comet, but if it is a neutron star with a large mass, nothing will deflect its ordained path.
If we are lucky, nothing will happen but humanity is not looking or feeling lucky these days.

What seems likely is what most of the ancient cultures and religions remember—huge floods that pass the world over. The only way the world can have a global flood is if there is some event like an asteroid impact, polar shift, or a very dense object passing close by earth that causes a massive tsunami tide. The gravitational pull would grab the water and pull it over the land on a massive scale, much like the moon does today on a smaller scale in the form of tides.

Safe Zones:
1. Move 150+ miles from the coasts.
2. Move 600 feet above sea level.
3. Move away from volcanoes and super volcanoes like Yellowstone in northwestern USA.
4. Move away from earthquake/seismic/avalanche/fault zones like the New Madrid Fault Zone in central USA.
5. Move away from dams that will break.
6. Move away from nuclear power plants that could become compromised.
7. Move away from high elevations where radiation levels will be highest.
8. Move away from large population areas where food riots will escalate into chaos and mayhem.
9. Join into survival groups with people of like mind that have survival supplies, gear and guns to protect them.

There is no shortage of flood legends. The earliest extant flood legend is contained in the fragmentary Sumerian Eridu Genesis, datable by its script to the 17th century BCE. In the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh there are references to the Great Flood (tablet 11). The best-known version of the Jewish deluge legend is contained in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 6-9). God selects Noah, a man who “found favor in the eyes of the Lord” and commands him to build an ark to save Noah, his family, and the earth’s animals and birds. After Noah builds the ark, “All the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.”

There are many sources of flood legends in ancient Chinese literature. The Shujing, or “Book of History,” probably written around 500 BCE or earlier, states in the opening chapters that Emperor Yao is facing the problem of flood waters that “reach to the heavens.” According to the Australian aborigines the water covered the land. Only the highest mountain peaks were visible, like islands in the sea.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden born 1957 died yet again 2001 and 2011

Can we truly believe anything that we are being told first he died from renal failure in 2001 , then we are told he is alive and well and living in a cave (must be good medical care ) now we are told he was shot to death 2011 , On the 2nd of may 2011 Bin Laden was sleeping in a house in Pakistan when navy seals burst in killed everyone including bin laden ,right first we are told Obama watched everything start to finish then we are told there was a 40 minute blackout , then he had a female sheild that was shot dead and he was armed , then he was with his wife who wasn't a shield but shot in the leg ,then he was unarmed and shot in the head with a double tap in the chest and buried as per the muslim way at sea where noone knows where it is very convenient isnt it , there is so many different things being said what is the truth ,all this comming from people who watched apparently him being killed ,it was like everyone watched a different movie . All at a time when Obama was well low in the vote stages and the fuss about his birth certificate how convenient that there was already people looking at the fact there was no stamp on his birth certificate suddenly Osama turns up and Obama is the golden boy .

[Dec 7, 2001 tape very ill from Kidney Dialysis. A sick Bin Laden before he allegedly passed away in 2001.]

It was former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore who used the phrase "An Inconvenient Truth" in relation to his critically acclaimed film on Global Warming. However, it is apparent that this same phrase may also be applied to Osama Bin Laden. Elites of both the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties have pledged their determination to vanquish Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda "global terrorist network". The threat of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda has been used to fundamentally inspire the bloating of a political-military-industrial complex to pursue a "War on Terror". However, documented representation from credible sources suggest that Osama Bin Laden died at some time, long ago, and the idea that Al Qaeda exists as a terrorist-political network is a myth.

It was former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower who in 1961, warned of the dangers of a machinating, and ego-driven "military-industrial complex", as a singular threat to "freedom and democracy". It was also Leo Strauss, who championed the importance of elites creating "unifying myths" against a common enemy. Leo Strauss, who was a Jew, and Holocaust survivor, was ironically inspired by both Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology.

In June 2004 edition of Harpers' Magazine, Earl Shorris, wrote the article "Leo Strauss, George Bush, and the philosophy of mass deception". The influence of neo-fascistic Straussianism in the U.S. President George W. Bush administration, and among America's ruling elites in general, has been well documented. Could it be that alleged Crimes of Humanity that have been perpetrated under the pretext of a "War on Terror" have been supported by an industry of global; empire-driven myth-making associated with Osama Bin Laden who presides over an "Al Qaeda"?

In a political context inspired by Leo Strauss, one would expect the orchestration of fabrications and intrigues that can be used by elites to legitimate political narratives presented by elites through mass-media instruments. The political narrative presented by elites is that Osama Bin Laden through his Al-Qaeda network masterminded 9/11, and that the U.S and its "coalition of the willing" is seeking to defend "freedom and democracy" by executing a war to destroy Al Qaeda, and to find Bin Laden, who supposedly, "remains on the loose". However, the fervent declarations of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) by the Bush Administration in Iraq, that was later shown to be based upon fabrications, proves that the entire "War on Terror" might very well be a Straussian-inspired ruse:

The present culture of public deception promoted and maintained through corporate-controlled media is very real, and has it's recent origin in the neo- conservative philosophy of Leo Strauss.

Strauss was a German Jewish political philosopher who arrived in the United States in 1938. Strauss taught at several major universities, including University of Chicago. Among Strauss's students were the architects of the neo-conservatism which has dominated and defined the agenda of the Democratic and the Republican parties of the past several decades.

Strauss saw the use of deception in politics as a necessity. While outwardly professing deep respect for American democracy, Strauss believed that societies should be hierarchical – divided between an elite who should lead, and the masses who should follow. Unlike philosophical elitists such as Plato, he was unconcerned with the moral character of these leaders.

Shadia Drury, Professor of Political Science at the University of Calgary elaborates the following about Straussian ideology:

"Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."

It is furthermore illuminated that:

This philosophy requires an environment of "perpetual deception" in which the people are indoctrinated to a manufactured mythology, of simplistic character appropriate to their meagre powers of comprehension.

According to Drury, Straussian philosophy requires: "perpetual deception of the citizens by those in power is critical because they need to be led, and they need strong rulers to tell them what's good for them." .

This philosophy of neo-conservatism also holds that: "While the elite few are capable of absorbing the absence of any moral truth, the masses could not cope. If exposed to the absence of absolute truth, they would quickly fall into nihilism or anarchy."

Strauss also believed that "Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed.. Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united – and they can only be united against other people."

A Straussian society then, requires a state of perpetual war. LINK

In Nazi Germany, Adolf Hilter used Jews, Gypsies, and "socialists" as scapegoats to inspire a sought primal hatred, that could be used to inspire the imperial desires of an elite. Could it be that Muslims are simply the scapegoats for a Straussian clique, that is also inspired by Adolf Hilter's desires for a Third Reich and accompanying "New World Order"?

A translated article of the Egyptian Newspaper al-Wafd, published on Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633 suggests that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001. The article was titled "News of bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago":

Islamabad -- A prominent official in the Afghan Taliban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taliban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air. The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.

Pakistan's leadership at the time of this article, in apparent confirmation of the authenticity of the article, also apparently thought that Bin Laden in fact had died:

'Pakistan's president says he thinks Osama bin Laden is most likely dead because the suspected terrorist has been unable to get treatment for his kidney disease', writes CNN in connection with an interview with president Musharraf in 2002. The medical correspondent of CNN continues: '[...] renal dialysis -- talking about hemodialysis -- is something that really is reserved for patients in end-stage renal failure. That means their kidneys have just completely shut down.' Also the Afghan president Karzai thinks that Laden probably is dead, as he tells CNN in 2002. A few weeks later CNN writes that it is possession of Bin Laden's Will, but the authenticity of the document cannot be proven. LINK

Another representation by Baitullah Mehsud, who has been alleged to have assassinated Benazir Bhutto suggested that Bin Laden was killed 2 November 2007:

Mehsud also rejected claims by the government in Islamabad that he was responsible for the assassination in December of Pakistan People's Party leader, Benazir Bhutto. "It wasn't us who killed Bhutto," he said.

He was quoted saying that the ex Prime minister was murdered because of the reason her leak to the media.

Benazir Bhutto had said Osama Bin Laden was murdered live on a British television interview with David Frost of the BBC on 2nd November 2007 has Benazir Bhutto mentioning that Osama Bin Laden was murdered 2 minutes into the video. LINK

But what about the bin Laden videos?

If it is true that Bin Laden is not alive any more, how can it be that we received a video message from him last year? WhatReallyHappened also has an answer to this. It cites the Washington Post which writes in an article with the heading When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing: 'Digital morphing — voice, video, and photo — has come of age, available for use in psychological operations'. WhatReallyHappened shows that Bin Laden in 2004 did not look like himself any more (see photo on left). He even became right-handed spontaneously (revealed in a published video). In short, it involves an actor, and not even a very good one. And his voice? In the meantime, thanks to technique, it is possible to totally forge a voice and let it say anything you want: '"Gentlemen! We have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government." So begins a statement being delivered by Gen. Carl W. Steiner, former Commander-in-chief, U.S. Special Operations Command. At least the voice sounds amazingly like him. But it is not Steiner. It is the result of voice "morphing" technology developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. By taking just a 10-minute digital recording of Steiner's voice, scientist George Papcun is able, in near real time, to clone speech patterns and develop an accurate facsimile. Steiner was so impressed, he asked for a copy of the tape', writes the Washington Post. LINK

It is furthermore apparent that not only Bin Laden may very well be dead, but Al-Qaeda is also an apparent myth to keep Americans and the rest of the world in support of the ambitions of a political-military-industrial complex:

'What is this al-Qaeda? Does such a group even exist? Some terrorism experts doubt it. Adam Dolnik and Kimberly McCloud reckon it's time we 'defused the widespread image of al-Qaeda as a ubiquitous, super-organised terror network and call it as it is: a loose collection of groups and individuals that doesn't even refer to itself as al-Qaeda'. Dolnik and McCloud - who first started studying terrorism at the prestigious Monterey Institute of International Studies in California - claim it was Western officials who imposed the name 'al-Qaeda' onto disparate radical Islamic groups and who blew Osama bin Laden's power and reach 'out of proportion'. Both are concerned about the threat of terror, but argue that we should 'debunk the myth of al-Qaeda'', writes Spiked.

'There is also no evidence that Bin Laden used the term “Al Qaeda” to refer to the name of a group until after September the 11th, when he realized that this was the term the Americans have given it. [...]

'The idea — which is critical to the FBI’s prosecution — that bin Laden ran a coherent organisation with operatives and cells all around the world of which you could be a member is a myth. There is no Al Qaeda organisation. There is no international network with a leader, with cadres who will unquestioningly obey orders, with tentacles that stretch out to sleeper cells in America, in Africa, in Europe. That idea of a coherent, structured terrorist network with an organised capability simply does not exist.' LINK

The then retiring U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower appeared in 1961, to seek to warn Americans specifically, and the world in general, about the ambitions of a political-military-industrial complex to establish under its fascist guidance, a "Global Empire". The lies that would be necessary to consolidate such an empire under "Globalization" and the "War on Terror" are viewed to be noble, in pursuit of an elite's right to rule.

A broad constituency of learned scholars who include Dr. David Ray Griffin, engineers, investigative researchers, eyewitnesses, and others have suggested that official accounts of 9/11 are apparent Straussian deceptions. These representatives also critically cite continued elite orchestrated resistance to an truly independent investigation of the 9/11 World Trade Center attack. This allegedly Bin Laden and Al Qaeda executed "terrorist attack" has in turn been used as the basis of an apparent genocidal war against Muslims, that has resulted in over one million civilian deaths. Could the questionable pretext of the War on Terror, that in turn is being used as a basis to divert many billions of dollars away from quality-of-living areas, and into a political-military-industrial complex, be as some suggest, simply the advancement of "noble lies" for imperial objectives?

John Lash's accounts of the Pagan Gnostics suggest that Americans and the world in general, through an ethos of "blind faith", have made themselves vulnerable to orchestrated deceit.

Gnostic insight documents how blind faith in relation to Western proselytized Judeo-Christian traditions in a regressive "alien spell", may be used to sabotage the kind of critical thinking that would protect humanity from such deceit. Indeed, there is no apparent verifiable proof that Osama Bin Laden still lives, or that an "Al-Qaeda" is responsible for 9/11. But whole populations reject the idea that they could somehow be told a self-serving system of "noble lies". The evidence presented by reputable scholars like David Ray Griffin is not even seriously regarded by the victims of an apparent "alien spell", that shrugs off such evidence as the rantings of "conspiracy theorists". Gnostics suggest that it is vital for humanity to raise its own consciousness toward making itself aware of an alien artificial intelligence conquest agenda, that seeks to pursue an ego-driven agenda, and accompanying mass deception.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden •Born: 1957 died 2001/ 2003 / 2011

Osama bin Laden had serous kidney disease that required him to have dialysis treatment twice a week. There aren't any dialysis machines floating around in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. A few months back a reporter finally asked the question that should have been asked years ago at a White House press conference.

How is it that a guy who was seriously ill seven years ago is getting treatment for end-stage renal disease in some cave in Afghanistan? The woman conducting the press conference panicked at the thought of answering that most basic question and immediately canceled the rest of the briefing.
The last intelligence intercept of Osama bin Laden was on December 14 of 2001. He has not been heard from since.
President Bush and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld hinted in late December of 2001 that they knew Osama bin Laden was dead.
President Musharraf of Pakistan announced in January of 2002 that Osama bin Laden was probably dead of kidney disease.
President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan was quoted in October of 2002 as saying, "The more we don't hear of him, and the more time passes, there is the likelihood that he probably is either dead or seriously wounded somewhere."
But the actions of the US Military are the most telling. There isn't a single soldier, sailor or Marine tasked with chasing down Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. Because we know exactly where he is. He's dead. So the US military is either totally or absolutely incompetent or Osama bin Laden died years ago and we've been fighting the boogieman.
As early as July of 2002, even the FBI's counterterrorism chief was quoted as saying; Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead.


Do not be fooled. Osama Bin Laden died 8 years ago in Pakistan from kidney failure. Intelligence services have already DNA-ed him. Today’s leaked story aka the French Intelligence report taken from Saudi Intelligence sources actually finger U.S. CIA in trying to define a phony time line aka the death of Bin Laden.

The Saudi source alleges Bin Laden died last month when in fact as reported here at stewwebb.com the only real truth-in-news is he died three years ago of kidney failure not typhoid fever.

For Bin Laden to have died of Typhoid Fever, it is clear he would have needed a new set of kidneys. (Bin Laden got CIA Dialysis treatments in the UAE in July 2001).

This dovetails to the activities of Richard Armitage and his role in 9-11Obstruction of Justice activity and the outing of Valerie Plame.

Connect the dots.

It was January 2002, that the Valerie Plame team aka French Interpol, had discovered a plot vis a vis Pakistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to plant WMD in Iraq so as to give a pretense for a Bush-Blair invasion of Iraq.

Valerie Plame-Brewster Jennings team had connected Richard Armitage and elements of Gary Best Inc. (Gary Best Iran Contra-9-11 Bush Goon) as the delivery team with Chalibi’s Mossad stooges in Iraq, itself, as the wide receivers.

Turkey refused to allow the use of it's country to invade Iraq since Turkey had become aware that their country was being used as a staging area to plant WMD IN IRAQ!

We continue to connect the dots. The liaison for the WMD project to plant WMD in Iraq was none other than Spelezio, the US government asset, that was originally captured with Khalid Muhammed in Pakistan aka links to the 9-11 attack itself.

Again, Spelezio was allowed to go free despite objections by U.S. CIA and FBI.

Who wanted him free? Well none other than Richard Armitage.

So Valerie Plame knew too much. She knew about the WMD plant operation in Iraq. She knew the secrets of 9-11 linked to Richard Armitage and Spelezio. She knew, as did Pakistani President Musharraff that Bin Laden had been dead since Jan. 2002.

It is clear that Musharraff needs a lot of body guards because he knows too much as well.

P.S. The Saudi leaked French intelligence Report claims that Bin Laden died of typhoid fever. This of course is not true. The Pakistani Secret Intel agencies had the DNA analysis and can categorically prove that Bin Laden died of kidney failure and not typhoid fever, and died in January 2002.

Colin Powell knows of this and may have leaked this limited hangout to French Intelligence for the purpose of covering his own ass. At the same time Colin Powell has put the finger directly on none other than Richard Armitage who seems to be up to his neck in all of this chicanery.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Identification Bangles/pens/fridge magnet

As there is now so many people reading this conspiracy website i have been given the chance to order somethings that will immediatley enable everyone to recognise each other .
Pens in red ,blue ,white
bangles in plastic or rubber in red, blue, white
fridge magnets in variety of colours
If there is enough interest let me know they will be
red for NWO/conspiracy ..... engraved with i believe in the NWO
blue for 2012................engraved with i believe in 2012
white for ufo................engraved with i believe in Ufo,s
Like the ones in the picture
It will be handy to know that you are not alone in believing that there is a conspiracy wether its 2012 ufo,s or The New World Order and in doing so meeting with other or bumping into other like minded individuals then you would be instantly recognisable .email me to Let Me Know If Anyone Of You Are Interested Then I Can Place The Orders ...saviour1263@aol.com

Red Identification Bangles For Believers

I have an idea that would be perfect for people such as us ,that would enable us to be recognised by each other and instantly you would know that you are not alone ,these would be red bangles in a rubber/or plastic type of materielengraved with 2 words (i believe) this word ensure that the person understands that they too know that 2012 is true .
Or Blue same material

Saturday, 16 April 2011

And We Didn't Even Know Hidden Again By OUr Governments

An asteroid as strong as 15 atomic bombs whizzed past earth last night at just ten times the distance of the moon.This proves one thing the only time we will find out about something that will and could end life as we know it is when it hits ,

Astronomers first spotted the cigar-shaped rock spinning through space on Monday evening and tracked it through the atmosphere.And noone bothered to tell the Public but the government officials knew

The star-gazers were baffled by why the asteroid 'blinked' at them until they realised that due to is long shape, the darkness came when it rotated slightly out of view.Thankfully, the 50m long rock that could have destroyed entire countries went barely noticed as it passed earth at a distance of some 220,000 miles.

'Usually, when we see an asteroid strobe on and off like that, it means that the body is elongated and we are viewing it broadside along its long axis first, and then on its narrow end as it rotates,' Don Yeomans from Nasa told news.com.au.
Cosmic: Star-gazers have logged around 3,000 asteroids

Cosmic: Star-gazers have logged around 3,000 asteroids

'GP59 is approximately 50m long, and we think its period of rotation is about seven-and-a-half minutes. This makes the object’s brightness change every four minutes or so.'

Nick James, from Chelmsford, Essex, recorded the newly discovered 'Asteroid 2011 GP59' on Monday night showing the object hurtling across the screen and blinking on and off.

The asteroid, which was recorded with an 11-inch telescope, was about 2,081,000-miles away from Earth at the time.

It was picked up by astronomers at the Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca in Andalusia, Spain, who've since determined that it's heading towards us.

Last night, the cosmic rock passed just outside the moon's orbit at a relatively close distance of around 220,000 miles. The distance from earth is around ten times the length that the moon is from earth.

But space experts said there was no need to be concerned as direct hit on earth would be highly unlikely.

'There is no possibility of the small space rock entering Earth’s atmosphere during this pass or for the foreseeable future,' Yeoman added.

He said that the orbit of the 'Asteroid 2011 GP59' could be accurately plotted. Astronomers have so far recorded around 3,000 asteroids.

The asteroid is five times bigger than one that exploded over Indonesia in October .

Monday, 4 April 2011

President Prepares For 2012

The truth has been revealed finally in so many words, preperation is underway for the biggest event the world has ever known ,only problem is when are they going to tell the common man .All that is being said is the lies upon lies and will find out the real reason soon looking at it .
The West Wing of the White House is all-but disappearing behind an $86 million building project that is going to last for years.

And a mysterious tunnel is being built, fuelling speculation that a secret underground lair is what's really under construction.

In recent weeks, an expanding and sometimes ear-splitting zone of excavation has enveloped the mansion's famous office wing.

Heavy equipment and metal-and-concrete superstructures are part of the vast construction project.

The front door and the Marine who guards it have disappeared behind a high green-and-white plywood fence. From Pennsylvania Avenue, all that's visible is a sliver of second-floor roof line.

For years to come, the front yard at 1600 Pennsylvania will remain a noisy building site, say officials in charge of the White House's 'Big Dig'.

Officials describe the job as an overdue upgrade of underground utilities. That includes water and sewer lines, electrical conduits, pipes for chilled and hot water and steam heat systems, and storm sewers. Heating, air conditioning and fire alarm systems are being replaced. Some systems are getting backups.
What lies beneath: The secret passageway, Armageddon-proof bunker (and basement bowling alley) under the President's feet

The White House already has a number of tunnels — the exact number is, of course, classified.

The most well known is the underground corridor that leads to the President's Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), a supposedly nuclear-proof bunker located six stories under the East Wing.

It was to this bunker and its adjacent Executive Briefing Room that Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice, among others, directed Government operations on September 11, 2001.Pressing a panel on a wall adjacent to the President's rest room next to the Oval Office causes a secret door to slide open, leading to a staircase down to the passageway.

There is also talk of a tunnel linking the White House to Blair House across Pennsylvania Avenue.

Many presidents have made alterations to the building, built between 1792 and 1800.

While most of the alterations have been cosmetic alterations, the bunker that is now the PEOC was constructed during the Second World War for President Roosevelt.

The White House is also one of the first Washington public buildings to be adapted for wheelchair access, also for Roosevelt.

President Harry Truman completely refurbished the property in 1948, after it was declared to be in imminent danger of collapse. Truman moved into Blair House for the course of the rebuilding.

Computers and the first laser printer were installed during the Carter administration. Solar panels were also installed on the roof — later removed during the Reagan administration.

The house has a tennis court, a movie theatre, a jogging track, a swimming pool (located underneath the current press conference room), and a putting green.

By far the coolest addition, however, is a single-lane bowling alley in the basement — installed by bowling-mad president Richard Nixon.
Nero fiddles why Rome is burning they say ,but while we are burning and dying who is bowling.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Earthquake Hits Blackpool

Who can now doubt that something has happened, the uk is now starting to break up this is all a sign of poleshift if only the scientists would stop crawling up the politicians butts and admit it ,the reason that they don't want it known is obvious people will stop paying these fatcats their fantastic golden handshakes and enormous salaries they will have the cash to actually escape to a nice little hideaway till its all over with
The British Geological Survey recorded the Blackpool earthquake with a magnitude of
2.2 on the Richter scale and the epicentre was located between Carelton and Poulton Industrial Estate.

Local residents reported wardrobe doors being flung open and staff at Blackpool’s Bonny Street police station reported that they could feel the building shaking.

Police were sent to Lytham Road in South Shore having been told that cracks - which had been there some time, according to Blackpool council - had begun widened in the railway bridge.

A Bispham resident called the police to report that his motorbike had toppled over while temporary traffic lights at Thornton Gate had fallen down.

A spokesman for Blackpool Police told the Blackpool Gazette: 'We started to get calls at around 3.35am.

'Some may have thought it was an April Fool prank, but staff here felt the building move.

'We had a number of calls from residents. A woman in Grange Park rang up as she had been woken and thought her house was being broken into
It follows an earthquake measuring 3.5 which struck in Coniston, Cumbria, on December 21 last year in which no injuries or damages were reported.

Other recent quakes in the UK include one in February 2008, when a major tremor centred on Lincolnshire shook much of the country, caused damage to buildings and left one man injured.

The tremor - which measured 5.2 on the Richter scale - struck at around 1am on February 27 at Market Rasen.

And in Kent in April 2007, another tremor measured 4.3 on the Richter scale.

Homes were damaged as chimneys toppled, walls cracked and masonry fell when the tremor hit Folkestone.
The biggest earthquake Britain has know was in 1931, near Dogger Bank in the North Sea. That measured 6.1.
Just wait this will not be the only one ,there will be bigger and more to come .

Monday, 28 March 2011

Kesennuma A New Video Clip

The devestation is Bad and the news doesn,t even give credit to the pain and suffering this great nation has endured ,watch this clip and think there by the grace of god goes i.
As news emerged today of yet another earthquake striking Japan, terrifying new footage from the original March 11 earthquake and tsunami shows the brutal and deadly power of the water that has claimed thousands of lives.

Filmed from the top of a building in Kesennuma, around 300 miles north-east of Tokyo, the footage shows the surge of water cascading over coastline barriers around Kesennuma Bay as a tsunami alarm sounds.

It quickly turns into a furious torrent of water, sweeping everything away - including cars, ships and buildings - as it forces itself inland.

Soon the wall of water is moving with incredible speed and rising fast - the barrier that had once looked like a mini waterfall is now now merely a ripple as the tide flows over it.

A storage building with a green roof in the middle distance of the shot begins to disintegrate under the immense force.

The camera pans to the right and focusses on another part of the city. Water can be seen flooding surrounding streets and buildings in the distance are being washed away as smoke rises from the ravaged city.

What was once the carpark below the cameraman's vantage point is now a boiling and deadly body of water.

The unstoppable surge brings down power lines and street lights and then the green-roofed building breaks from its foundations and crashes into a multi-storey building in the foreground - spewing its contents into the surge as it is torn apart.

The cameraman pans right again and shows the full destruction of Kesennuma - the city is now reduced to partially submerged and shattered buildings.

Japanese authorities and the U.S. Geological Survey today announced that another quake, measuring 6.5 in magnitude earthquake hit off the northeast coast of Japan today.

It is also in the Miyagi prefecture, where Kesennuma and many other cities and villages once stood.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for the Pacific coast of Miyagi prefecture, But the warning was later withdrawn.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Secret NWO underground bases

Unbeknown to Americans there are secret deep undergound bases thoughout america all joined up and awaiting the one catastrophy that will surpass all major disasters so far they are based to house the elite of the elite and have enough food supplies and oxygen to last quite a few years ,the oxygen is not reliant on the outside and can be all self sufficent it has numerous chambers all with built in toilet facilities and lockable doors and storage ,there is also tv and leisure rooms and trams with transportation to take you anywhere everything is ready all that is awaiting is the disaster which according to the NWO is imminent there are different views from google that have bits cut out so we the common mortals can't see ,we will be paying our taxes and bills as normal even when these people find out and are safe tucked away waiting ,all that will happen with us is we look up and see the danger ,no warning ,no time to be with our loved ones nothing except the knowledge that at least our council tax ,and income taxes are upto date .
New York City
There is an entrance to the tunnels in New York City "in the vicinity of Midtown Manhattan that can be reached through an abandoned elevator shaft that only very few know about

The Nahanni Valley (Canada) Entrance
This covers 250 square miles in the southern end of the Mackenzie Mountains of Canada. It lies almost 550 miles due west of Fort Simpson on the Mackenzie River of northwest Canada. Hot springs and sulfur geysers keep the valley warmer than the surrounding areas by about 30 degrees year -round (the valley is above 60 degrees latitude), making it perpetually mist-covered. This valley is inhabited only by animals as people entering the valley are usually found headless and quite dead. The Indian tribes of the area avoid this valley. (These tribes include the Ojibways, the Slave, the Dogribs, the Stoney, the Beavers and the Chipweyans.) This valley is often referred to as "the Valley of the Headless Men.

The Liyobaa Cave Entrance
This was sealed off by Catholic Priests who believed it to be an entrance to "Hell." "The village of 'Liyobaa' or to translate, 'The Cavern of Death,' was located in the province of Zapoteca, somewhere near the ancient village of 'Mictlan' or the village of the 'Underworld.

"The Cavern of Death was actually located in the last chamber of an eight chamber building or temple. This temple had four rooms above the ground and four more important chambers built below the surface of the Earth. This building was located in "Theozapotlan," and the tunnel entrance led one beneath a mountain.

The Maltese Cave Entrance
This entrance is located on the island of Malta, near the small village of "Casal Paula." (This village is built on the "Corradino" plateau, and overlooks the capitol town of Malta, "Valletta," as well as Grand Harbour.) In 1902, workmen digging a well in Casal Paula fell into a subterranean cavern. The well was being dug for a house on "Hal Saflienti," the main street in Casal Paula. The cavern the workers had fallen into connected with an entire complex of caves and tunnels. This entrance is known as the "Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti." (In Latin, "Hypogeum" is the name for an underground structure.) "The tunnels under the Hypogeum have been sealed off even since a school took 30 students into the caves and disappeared, guide and all. Search parties were never able to locate any trace of the people and children.

The Staffordshire, England Entrance
Somewhere in Staffordshire, England, a lonely field exists in which a laborer discovered a large iron plate beneath the dirt. The "hatch" was large and oval, with an iron ring mounted on it. This entrance led into the tunnels. The field is in a valley surrounded on almost all sides by woods. The laborer was digging a trench for some purpose. The incident was reported in "A History of Staffordshire" by Dr. Plot, who wrote the book in the late 1700s. It may be possible to find the entrance if it can be ascertained exactly which valley the laborer was digging in.

The Dulce, New Mexico Base
An underground Military Base/Laboratory in Dulce, New Mexico connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet, and the lower levels of this base are allegedly under the control of Inner Earth beings or Aliens. This base is connected to Los Alamos research facilities via an underground "tube-shuttle." (It can be assumed that such a shuttle way would be a straight-line construction. It should then be possible, by using maps and some deduction, to determine the most likely location of this base, especially since the general location is already known.) Beginning in 1947, a road was built near the Dulce Base, under the cover of a lumber company. No lumber was ever hauled, and the road was later destroyed. Navajo Dam is the Dulce Base's main source of power, though a second source is in El Vado (which is also another entrance). (Note: The above facts should also help to locate the base.) Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants "for" the Indians. (Note: The September, 1983 issue of Omni (Pg. 80) has a color drawing of 'The Subterrene,' the Los Alamos nuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock, which cools after the Subterrene has moved on. The result is a tunnel with a smooth, glazing lining.)" (Note: Where would the molten rock go? And what has been done with this concept since 1983?)

Bechtel (BECK-tul) is a super secret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some say the firm is really a 'Shadow Government's working arm of the CIA. It is the largest Construction and Engineering outfit in the U.S.A and the World (and some say, beyond)." "The most important posts in U.S.A. Government are held by former Bechtel Officers. There are over 100 Secret Exits near and around Dulce. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrich. Deep sections of the Complex connect into natural Cavern Systems. (Note: The elevators, lights, and doors at Dulce Base are all magnetically controlled.)

The area around Dulce has had a high number of reported Animal Mutilations." The researchers at Dulce Base have also abducted several people from Dulce's civilian population and implanted devices of various types in their heads and bodies. (Note: Livermore Berkeley Labs (where?) began producing blood for the Dulce Base in the mid 1980s, and Human and Animal abductions slowed considerably. It may be worthwhile to check-out Livermore Berkeley Labs.) DELTA group (from the National Recon Group) is responsible for security of all Alien-connected projects. The DELTA symbol is a Black Triangle on a Red Background. Dulce Base's symbol is a Delta (triangle) with the Greek Letter "Tau" (t) within it, and then the entire symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down, and the "Tau" is also inverted. Christa Tilton (was abducted and taken to Dulce Base) She is the editor of "Crux" magazine, which deals with UFOs, abductions, etc. P.O. Box 906237 Tulsa, Oklahoma (zip ?????)

Bases in the United States Mt. Ranier, Washington State Mt. Lassen, Tehama County, California Death Valley, California Superstition Mountains, Arizona Mt. Shasta, California Brown Mountain, North Carolina Mt. Ranier Entrance.

A very active UFO base exists beneath Mt. Ranier. There are also said to be underground "vaults" containing records of the ancient Lemurians. (Note: F.L. Boschke wrote the book "The Unexplained" about the mysteries surrounding Mt. Ranier.) The ice cap of Mt. Ranier contains a maze of corridors and caves. In August of 1970, scientists climbed to the top of Mt. Ranier, and entered these caverns and tunnels. Evidence was found indicating that a small lake exists deep beneath the ice cap. It is possible that one could find a way to get beneath Mt. Ranier through these tunnels.
The Mt. Lassen Entrance Mt. Lassen in Tehama County, California is an entrance to a large underground city. Near the foot of Mt. Lassen is a town called Manten. A man named "Ralph B. Fields" lived (lives?) there, and found the entrance to the underground city. His friend "Joe" was with him. The cave entrance is in the side of the mountain, at a little over 7,000 feet above sea level, and is near a rock outcropping suitable for camping under.

Death Valley, CA. Entrance.
Local Indian legends speak of a tunnel that runs beneath the desert. (Note: The book "Death Valley Men," tells the story of 3 people who are supposed to have found an underground city connected with this tunnel, and who actually took treasures from it. The entrance to the Death Valley Tunnel is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft. The bottom of the shaft is collapsed, opening an entrance into a large tunnel system containing much treasure. These tunnels connect with the surface also through arches (like large windows) in the side of the mountain and they look down on Death Valley. They're high above the valley now, but they were once on the edge of the water, and were accessed by boats. The "windows" in the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains are about 4,500-5,000 feet above the bottom of Death Valley, and are across from Furnace Creek Ranch. From these openings you can see the green of the ranch below you and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. (So, with high-powered binoculars or a telescope, you should be able to see the openings from the Furnace Creek Ranch, or Wash.) You can drive down Emigrant Canyon towards Death Valley. You can then park beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Bed. (From here, the windows should be visible through binoculars.) Indian legends of the Paiutes Indians speak of the people who used to live in the Panamint's caverns.

The Mt. Shasta, CA Entrance
There are tunnels beneath Mt. Shasta that lead to a UFO base there, as well as tunnels that connect with the vast world-wide tunnel network. The Lemurian city "Telos" is said to exist beneath Mt. Shasta. William Hamilton has done much research on Mt. Shasta and the tunnels. He has privately published a book entitled "Alien Magic" 249 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 651 Glendale, CA 91203

The Brown Mountain Entrance
Brown Mountain is in North Carolina near Morganton. Morganton is "about 15 miles north of an actual highway marker which has been posted by the state providing any visitor the best view" of Brown Mountain. Brown Mountain is an area in which many strange lights have been seen. There are entrances that lead inside the mountain to an isolated (?) Alien base.

Canadian UFO Bases
Entrances at Lake Ontario possible underwater UFO bases/cities. Toronto Tunnels leading to subterranean city. Newfoundland Condemned Iron Mine connects with tunnels. Lake Ontario "Lights" Orange-colored spheres have been seen coming out of/diving into Lake Ontario. The area of highest activity is between Oakville and Toronto. There may be a connection to the Lakeview Hydro-electric plant, as many of these UFOs have been seen heading in that direction. (Note: "The Great Lakes Triangle" by Jay Gourley would be interesting reading for more information about UFOs, etc. in the Great Lakes area.)

Toronto Entrance
There is a small opening to the underground tunnels off Parliament Street in downtown Toronto. (The entrance is between two apartment buildings, and leads to the tunnels via the sewers.) The underground city (abandoned?) beneath Toronto has its center beneath Gerrard Street and Church Street. Above this area, strange magnetic effects have been observed. (Note: This corner of Gerrard & Church streets has a higher accident rate than anywhere else in Toronto. It is believed that underground equipment utilizing powerful magnetic fields (which have caused many strange magnetic effects in houses near this intersection) are responsible for the bizarre equipment failures that often are the cause of these accidents.) The Indians near Toronto have legends of these tunnels.

Newfoundland Iron Mine Entrance
After one of the Iron Mines in Newfoundland Province had been dug deeper than any other, strange happenings caused the mine to be shut down. The mining town in which this mine is located is near the Newfoundland-Quebec Border. This mine, having been condemned, is off-limits, and the police DO enforce this. Sneaking in late at night seems to be the only way to gain entrance.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Things Will Get Worse for Japan

This Nuclear Power Plant is located on a fault line also when/if it blows it will not only change the lay of the land BUT cause another earthquake maybe a larger one again if you also notice it is right on the edge which will cause a massive hole that the sea will flood into therefore causing "another" tsunami that coupled with an earthquake will devestate/ wipe off the map not only japan but also many other countries maybe just maybe putting another Nuclear plant on well known earthquake fault lines is not a very good idea this is not the only one why is this they could of put it further in land and not near a faultline that is known to cause very powerful earthquakes.
We are also talking of at least 50miles exclusion zone ,and another chernobyl these people need help now ,no red tape shoved in the way where it needs a letter in triplicate and authorised by someone on holidays get these people out of the way of devestation fast .

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

California Is Next for Massive Earthquake Is This Poleshift

Well this is it folks no matter what the so called experts are saying all it needs are brains to work it out the top scientists are saying this that and the other but no poleshift no nibiru makes yah mad doesnt it ,its obvious we are in for a bad time poleshift is true we are being lied too this will continue until the whole world is affected and people are dead or dying in their millions we need the truth read below for more .

The U.S. West Coast could be the next area shaken by a big earthquake, experts warned today.

The earthquakes last Friday in Japan, last month in New Zealand and last year in Chile all happened along the ‘Ring of Fire’ that encircles much of the Pacific Ocean.

Scientists believe the West Coast could be hit as part of a cluster of earthquakes, with a Pacific Northwest fault having similar characteristics to the one underneath Japan.
Linked: Recent earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand and Chile all happened along the chain of large faults called 'Ring of Fire' that encircles much of the Pacific

Linked: Recent earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand and Chile all happened along the chain of large faults called 'Ring of Fire' that encircles much of the Pacific

Experts can't be certain where or when the next earthquake will be but the West Coast risk has increased because it is in the same volatile geological system.

‘The Pacific Northwest - what we call the Cascadia Subduction Zone - has the same kind of characteristics as the fault beneath Japan,’ seismologist James Gaherty told CBS.We're worried about a large subduction zone similar to Japan,’ Mr Gaherty, of the Lamont Research Center at Columbia University, told CBS.

The Ring of Fire is a chain of large faults associated with the Pacific plate’s interaction with surrounding plates, which can produce earthquakes and volcanoes.
‘If you think of the Pacific plate as a square, we have had a major earthquake in the Northwestern side of that square (in Japan),’ author Simon Winchester told MSNBC.

‘On February 22 we had Christchurch in New Zealand in the Southwest of the square. Last year we had a major earthquake in Chile in the Southeast of that square.

‘The fourth leg of the square, the fourth side, is where the San Andreas and the Cascadia forms. That hasn't ruptured - if either (does) there could be major problems.’

The last time California’s San Andreas Fault ruptured was in 1906, when the area of San Francisco was devastated by an earthquake and fires.

‘California has significant risk - the San Andreas Fault,' he said. '(But) California, we're not going to get a big tsunami producing event. Pacific Northwest, we might.’Christchurch in New Zealand was rocked last month by a 6.3 quake that killed 166 people, and around 550 people died after Chile was hit in February 2010 by an 8.8.

Friday’s 8.9 earthquake was the highest ever recorded in Japan, compared to the 8.3 Great Kanto Earthquake in Tokyo in 1923, which killed more than 140,000 people.

Japan was better-prepared for last week’s earthquake thanks to strict urban building quakes, but there are always risks with the unpredictable nature of a quake’s location.

A big reason for Haiti’s death toll of 300,000 from the January 2010 quake - outside of the Ring of Fire - was the poor conditions and building codes, reported CBS.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

The Whole World has Moved

The earthquake that hit japan has shifted the whole world 10" of its axis and has shortened the length of the day and altered the seasons ,the tremors have sunk parts of the terrain permanantly below sea level , this is all to be expected with the forthcomming poleshift we can expect a lot more than this more earthquakes at a higher seismic activity also a lot more volcanoes erupting ,there needs to be more acceptance and less continious denial from our masters there is obviously a change which has nothing to do with the so called "global warming" which just a scam for more money to pay the golden handshakes of politians and council topcats, this is a global epidemic amongst us ,next will come the pandemics and disease ,what are they waiting for 2012 is just around the corner will there be an arc for paupers and the not so rich will the seed banks be open for us as well because we dont believe they are just for seeds .
The earthquake that hit japan has shifted the whole world 10" of its axis a

2nd Earthquake Strikes Japan

Japan was tonight hit by a SECOND big earthquake.

The new quake reportedly had a magnitude of 6.6 and struck a mountainous region in north-west Japan.

It struck at 4am local time (7pm GMT).

A second earthquake is not good this can only have one outcome and no longer can anyone deny it we are looking at the end game the supermoon is definatley having an effect globally ,i would not at all be suprised if this was made public it needs to be before there is more life lost the governments need to act fast ,shelters are needed supplies flown in this will be worldwide and people are scared.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Did The SuperMoon Cause This

The powerful tsunami that today slammed into Japan's eastern coast comes just two days after warnings that the movement of the moon could trigger unpredictable events on Earth.

Astrologers predicted that on March 19 - a week tomorrow - the so-called 'supermoon' will be closer to Earth than at any time since 1992, just 221,567 miles away, and that its gravitational pull will bring chaos to Earth.

Others on the Internet have predicted it will cause further catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Coming just three weeks after the quake which devastated Christchurch in New Zealand killing hundreds, this latest disaster will only add fuel to their fire.
However the 'supermoon' date is still eight days away. But those that adhere to this particular belief could claim that this was still close enough for there to be some kind of effect.

Two days ago, in an interview with ABC radio discussing the potential impact of the March 19 supermoon, astrologer Richard Nolle, who first coined the term in 1979, said he was convinced that lunar perigees cause natural disasters on Earth.

'Supermoons have a historical association with strong storms, very high tides, extreme tides and also earthquakes,' he said.

However, scientists dismiss this as utter nonsense and that although it makes a good photo opportunity for astronomers it has no impact on Earth.

Dr David Harland, space historian and author, said: 'It's possible that the moon may be a kilometre or two closer to Earth than normal at a perigee, but it's an utterly insignificant event .(one opinion)
but if the moon has an effect on tides then obviously a supermoon will have a more devestating affect ,i think they should look again after all it only takes one error that can affect billions of people and just saying "sorry i was wrong" will not make up for it and when another mega disaster strikes will it be fobbed off just as easily.

The biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began almost 150 years ago smashed into the country's northeast coast today, triggering a 32-foot tsunami that swept away boats, cars and homes and killed hundreds of people. Large waves are now rolling into Hawaii, where thousands of people have been evacuated from the islands' coastline, and toward the U.S. West Coast.

The 8.9-magnitude quake's epicenter was 231 miles northeast of Tokyo, the United States Geological Survey reported. But the destruction caused by the natural disaster is expected to spread far beyond Japan, as the Red Cross in Geneva reported the swell moving across the Pacific was higher than some islands.

In preparation, authorities in Hawaii ordered the evacuation of all coastal areas. The first waves -- measuring at least 3 feet high -- barreled into Oahu and Kauai at around 6 a.m.Pacific Standard Time, and officials warned that the waves would continue and could become larger. In the tourist district of Waikiki, visitors were moved to higher floors of their hotels. Elsewhere, residents queued at stores selling emergency supplies, including gas, bottled water, canned food and generators.

"We're preparing for the worst and we're praying for the best," John Cummings III, spokesman for the Honolulu Department of Emergency Management, told the Associated Press.

Tsunami warnings have also been issued for the whole of the Pacific Basin, including the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan and Russia.

So far, authorities in Japan have confirmed 88 deaths caused by the natural disaster. But the final death toll will be far higher. Police in Miyagi Prefecture, the most severely hit area in northeastern Japan, told Kyodo news that between 200 to 300 bodies had been found in the coastal city of Sendai. They are thought to have drowned in the tsunami.

Elsewhere in the prefecture, a ship carrying 100 people was swept away when the tsunami hit, according to reports on NHK television. The vessel's fate is currently unknown.The monster wave has wrecked chaos along the country's northeastern coast. Towering swells tossed around fishing boats, cars and trucks like toys and sent them crashing into bridges and apartment blocks. The overwhelming power of the wave could be seen in the port of Hachinohe in Miyagi, where two huge cargo vessels were ripped from their moorings and thrown on their sides.

Fires have broken out across the quake zone. Storage tanks exploded at a 220,000 barrel-a-day oil refinery in the city of Chiba, near Tokyo, and flames ripped through the turbine building of the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi Prefecture. A state of emergency was also declared at a nuclear power station in Fukushima after its cooling system failed following the quake.

However, Prime Minister Naoto Kan told a press conference that no radiation leaks had been detected at Japan's nuclear power stations. The International Atomic Energy Agency echoed Kan's assurances in a statement Friday, reporting that "the four Japanese nuclear power plants closest to the quake have been safely shut down."
Residents and workers in Tokyo have gathered in parks and open spaces as aftershocks continue to rock the city. There were reports of about 20 people injured in the capital after the roof of a hall collapsed onto a graduation ceremony.

Many residents said they had never experienced such a powerful quake. "I was terrified, and I'm still frightened," Hidekatsu Hata, manager of a noodle restaurant in Tokyo's Akasaka area, told Reuters. "I've never experienced such a big quake before."
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