Wednesday 2 February 2011

What The Government Doesn't Want Us to Know About- Pole Shift

Middle East meltdown - massive bird, fish, animal swarms dying by the thousands - severe global weather changes - Earth's magnetic shield weakening - magnetic pole accelerating to 43KM year heading toward Russia - Gulf Stream slowing - dormant volcanoes coming back to life - edge of economic meltdown - coincidences? This is to be expected with the Pole Shift ,Australia is the first who will be next there will be worst to come of that im sure maybe yellowstone or another super volcano ,La Palma is due then there will be more ,noone in the world has seen a 2000ft tsunami but we might soon ,there is no such thing as a coincidence in the modern natural phenomena world its either one or the other ,noone knows what happens during a pole shift but There are many reasons people don’t remember what happened then, even though it is very likely that they were present at the time. The main reason is because they will only see their part of the flood; an earthquake that they died in, or the rivers changing course and killing them. Maybe there was a great tidal wave that killed their family. For whatever the reason, they are blocking it from their current memory, because it was a great trauma!!! It is a natural thing to do when something that horrible happens! 98% of the life on the planet died then! The rest were either evacuated or in the ark. Either way, it was a major trauma to the people who had no clue then what was going on around them! Noah was a real person they found his Arc recently at the top of a mountain. That was due to Pole Shift now this is exactly the scenario of a Pole Shift Read and Take notice The ultimate disaster! Enormous tidal waves (5 miles high) will roll across the continents as oceans become displaced from their basins. Hurricane winds of hundreds of miles per hour will scour the planet. Earthquakes greater than any ever measure will change the shape of the continents. Volcanoes (all of them, and some new ones!) will pour out huge lava flows, along with poisonous gases and choking ash. (From the starship last time, these clouds of ash quickly merged into one, covering up any view of the planet from space! I saw this myself!) Climates will change instantly, and the geography of the globe will be radically altered. If the pole shift is less that a full 180 degrees, the polar icecaps will melt rapidly, raising sea levels, while new icecaps will begin to build. (Most of the poles have already melted, and the rate is increasing dramatically. Though you won’t hear of this in the news) And large numbers of organisms, including the human race, will be decimated or even become extinct, with signs of their existence hidden under thick layers of sediment and debris, or at the bottom of newly established seas…”
This is just the start the build up to one of the most unique natural phenomina of history ,but "hark" what does the governments sya about all this where is the warnings ,none, they know they will be safe even in the worst case senarios ,we pay them they pay us back "big" time, that video above is only a nicey nicey approach to pole shift this one below is the real effects of pole shift

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