Saturday 15 January 2011

UFO RingSide Seats For The End of The World

There are more UFO sightings than ever before in history, more sightings by groups of people that cannot be denied by the Governments , They are here for a reason and what better reason than the end ,Thats right Folks the end of days, Armageddon, 2012 ,ringside seats to watch and observe our reactions to this phenomemon our dying planet is finally breathing its last we have the floods ,the volcanic activity ,plagues, the dying animals ,we are in the last days of planet earth, revelations has proven correct this is what they were hidding ,what joy we have to look forward to, planet x comming in for the final penalty to kick our planet into oblivion ,life will never be the same again ,pole change due in 2012 (if we are around by that time),there is a lot to see and tickets are available from your nearest Unexplained flying object .
Stanley Fulham, a retired NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) officer, and author of “Challenges of Change” book one, edition 3, published by Amisk Enterprises (January 2008), claims UFOs are planning to appear in the skies over New York City, in early January 2011.

Approximately 10 years ago, Fulham claims he sought out the help of a world-renowned channeler, and for the past decade, he has been communicating with the combined consciousnesses of 43,000 souls, known as the Transcendors. Fulham explains, that the Transcendors carry on lengthy conversations with him in a question and answer format.

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