Saturday 15 January 2011

Mount Etna Erupts Yet Again 2012 is Coming the new eruption Aug 2011
Mount Etna, which stands at almost 11,000 feet, dominates the Sicilian skyline, a vague threat situated near the island's eastern coast. This is the most active volcano in the world. The ancient Greeks believed it to be the home of Vulcan, the god of fire—to them, Mount Etna erupting merely meant Vulcan was forging weapons for Mars, the god of war. Dating back to 1500 BC, the volcano has erupted around 200 times, and the 21st century saw Mount Etna erupting yet again in 2001, with lava flows reaching within mere miles of the nearby town of Nicolosi.

Mt. Etna Eruption 12/01/2011 from JeegBot on Vimeo.

The most violent eruption in the history of Mount Etna occurred in March of 1669. On the first day, lava flows cut a smoldering gash out of two mountain villages. The volcano did not stop there, however. It continued to spew forth-molten rock for days on end, and by the end of April, the city walls of Catania had succumbed and the western side of the city was demolished before the lava mercifully came to a stop.
We are approaching the end days ,the final countdown to armageddon, Australia is going under there is even sharks swimming down the High street ,when are the people of the world going to wake up 2012 is real ,Birds dying in the streets ,fish dying by shoals in our oceans, crabs dying on beaches ,read revelations this is the beginning of the end our end next will come the plagues like Bubonic plague ,The mysterious Morgellons Fibre Disease might be an example of a mutation that should have never happened, but is now a worldwide tragedy (See world map) and might be the beginning of a whole new trend. The disease presents us with the strange case of a bacterial mutation with a simultaneous parasite mutation, their symbiotic linkup, and the production of filaments and gels in the body that are not biological in nature.

The disease is both quite new and highly mysterious. According to a report it is carried into human biology by nematodes that are tiny wormlike parasites that might have been originally engineered for pest control. By mysterious circumstance that no one can explain, the nematodes have become the symbiotic host for 'bacteria' that are said to have been engineered to synthesise fine fibres for the textile industry. For some strange and unexplained reason the biologically engineered nematodes got away from pest control and developed a liking for human flesh.

Unfortunately, the mystery doesn't end here. Most doctors strangely lost interest in their duties and literally refuse to treat the disease. They tell their patients that they are delusional, suggesting that their suffering is all in their head, and that the evidence that the patients see doesn't exist.

Why would they do that? It isn't that the Morgellons Fiber Disease (MFD) is the only parasitic disease known. Malaria is a parasitic disease that has been plaguing mankind since the begging of time. The malaria parasite feeds on a person's liver and destroys it, while the Morgellons parasite uses materials available in the human body and produces fibers that infest it. The evidence is found in abundance in open sores and is in many cases 'growing' right out of the skin. While malaria had been treated successfully at one time, the Morgellons Fiber Disease isn't even acknowledge to exist. Maybe there is a link between the two phenomena.

Mararia had been once almost wiped out with the use of the DDT pesticide. This remarkable success might have been the hidden reason for which DDT was banned under political pressures from powerful imperial lobbying groups. Many charges were brought against the DDT pesticide before the EPA (the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) in an effort to ban the use of DDT. During the course of the hearing in which DDT was on trial all charges of condemnation were countered with contrary evidence, to the point that the EPA's own scientists recommended that DDT be exonerated. Nevertheless it was banned. The head of the EPA revealed in later years that the banning of DDT was pushed through for purely political reasons. One of the people that argued for the DDT ban stated poignantly that he wanted it banned, "because it enables too many people to live." Later statistics support his claim. Soon after the ban was enforced, malaria came back in full force. There are now over 300 million people infected globally. Since most of these people live in poor countries that cannot afford expensive treatment, becoming infected with malaria is a slow acting death sentence. Before the ban DDT was used to control the carrier mosquito. Now the mosquitoes are back and the parasite is given free reign to eat up the people's liver until they die.

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