Wednesday 26 January 2011

Illuminati Members

1. Astor

2. Bundy

3. Collins

4. DuPont

5. Freeman

6. Kennedy

7. Li (Chinese)

8. Onassis

9. Rockefeller

10. Rothschild

11. Russell

12. Van Duyn

13. Merovingian (European Bloodlines)

14. Reynolds

15. Disney

16. Krupp

17. McDonald

Keep an eye on these people the names seem ordinary enough but there is one difference each and everyone of them are members of an elite society the illuminati
The reach of these people stretches through all areas of society. From the production of food and basic necessities to commodities, to housing, government, medicine, to all industrial needs and banking institutions, to entertainment; this small group of people pull the strings to orchestrate world affairs whch also means the internet,Their main goal is to reduce the global population to 500 million and lower the standards of living in all civilized nations.
All major global affairs are carefully planned and thought out by this group. World events that most people see as chance or coincidence are actually a deliberate plan to dis-empower people and gain more control. A few examples of this are: the 911 “terrorist attacks” (which were a false flag operation designed to pass the patriot act among other things) and also the Indonesian tidal wave, hurricane Katrina, and the recent Haiti earthquakes were all caused by HAARP technology invented by Tesla.
Much knowledge is available and understood about Illuminati members, however the vast majority of the population is completely unaware of what is going on. There is a war between good and evil, between tyranny and suppression verses honesty, productivity and life. Awareness is needed on a massive scale in order for good to prevail in this final war of the worlds.

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